We can spend a lot of time with someone without really hearing that person, or without mulling over what he or she says. Even after spending so much time with people, we can even miss important truths about others, even about those we love very much.
Jesus told His disciples where He was going they knew the way.* He had been teaching them the way through how He lived his life. He had taught them that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains a single grain, but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.**
Jesus is the grain of wheat. To yield a rich harvest to the glory of His Father in Heaven, He laid down his life with much love for us. Jesus showed His disciples that the way is not to remain a single grain, but that the way was to die to oneself so as to live for others.
Thomas expressed confusion, saying the disciples did not know where He was going, so how could they know the way?*** He took literally Jesus’ word. Thomas had much reason to look for the figurative given Jesus' style. In missing His meaning, Thomas missed Jesus.
Jesus explained He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.**** The Way to the Father is through Jesus. As we embrace Jesus, we accept the sacrifices we have to make to live in love. Jesus told Saint Faustina He is love itself;***** The Way to Heaven is through Jesus, by living in love.
If we know Jesus, we know love. When we welcome Jesus into our hearts, we welcome love into our hearts. As we listen to Jesus, to the Word of God, we are led into The Way to God Our Father. If we pay attention to Jesus, we find in Him The Way to eternal life.
* John 14:4
** John 12:24
*** John 14:5
**** John 14:6
***** Diary of Saint Faustina, 1074.