We like humor at the hermitage. A joke that has been told here at the hermitage by multiple people countless times for years, including this month:
At this one particular monastery which is especially rigorous with its practice of the discipline of silence, the new admittees to the monastery are allowed to speak two words each year. At the end of this one young monk's first year, he goes to meet with the Prior, the head of the monastery.
The Prior, welcoming the young monk's words, says, "Yes, my son."
The young monk says, "Bed hard."
The prior replies, "Yes, my son, thank you. You may go."
At the end of the young monk's second year, he sits down to meet with the Prior.
The Prior greets him, "Yes, my son."
The young monk notes, "Food cold."
The prior responds, "Yes, my son, thank you. You may go."
At the end of the young monk's third year, he meets with the Prior.
"I'm leaving," the young monk announces.
The Prior retorts, "I'm not surprised! You've been doing nothing but complaining the last three years!"