We all face the choice whether or not we will speak up for the truth. We are invited to defend the truth. Like Jesus, we were born for this and came into the world for this purpose, to testify to the truth.*
At His trial, Jesus told Pontius Pilate, "Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice."** We belong to the truth if we defend and respect the rights of all people.
Once we die, some people who have not called themselves Christians may very well hear Jesus say to them, "You listened to My voice." And then they may respond, "Lord, I was not a Christian. When did I listen to Your voice?" And then The King may reply, "When you fed those hungering for justice, by taking to the streets and protesting over the shootings of unarmed Black men, you defended the truth that their lives are valuable. When you gently interacted with gays who had been assaulted, you gave refreshing drink to those who were thirsty for the truth that we all deserve to be treated with respect. When you welcomed the immigrant into your community, you acknowledged the truth that we are all brothers and sisters. When you empowered a woman, by helping her to become educated so she could support herself, so she could be clothed with dignity and strength,*** you testified to the truth that we are all entitled to the chance to become our best selves. When you listened to the mentally ill homeless person, you bore witness to the truth that we all have a voice crying to be heard. When you encouraged your neighbor who felt trapped in a challenging situation, you gave witness to the truth that we all need each other.
* John 18:37
** John 18:37
*** Proverbs 31:25