Monday, January 24, 2022

One Follows Another

Approaching the bookstore was a tall young monk in the garb of his full monastic habit.  Relaxed and quite sure of himself, moving slowly and smoothly, he glided gradually toward the store as he brought someone with him.  A little one decades younger than him, perhaps seven years old, the daughter of an employee of the hermitage, followed behind him.  Her hair tied up into a ponytail, she was sporting blue-rimmed sunglasses with the lenses shaped into exceptionally large hearts.  She walked along serene and self-assured, with poise surprising for one so young.  In her strikingly collected demeanor, she seemed to be saying, "Yeah, I'm rockin' these heart-rimmed sunglasses.  And I KNOW I'm rockin' them."  

These two individuals walked along one after the other, so far apart in age and yet so similar in their confident and calm composure.  They resembled each other.  They had found each other, and now one followed the other.  

As they entered the store, I noted the considerable resemblance in the comportment of each of them.  I remarked to the monk, "You see, this is an example of how two super-cool people are just naturally drawn to each other."  

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